“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
Father God/YAH In the name of YAHUSHA, I repent of all of my wrong doings. Please fill me with your holy spirit with the sign of speaking in other tongues. Please allow me to dedicate my life to you from now on. Please reveal to me my destiny in you and as I pray lead and guide me to all truths! YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my YAH and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occult, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA Verily.
1. PSALM 11:3 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, because YAHUSHA is my Yah and Saviour, I use the name and the blood of YAHUSHA. to separate myself and my family members from satanic, demonic, occultist, marine and witchcraft altars that are active or operating in our father’s, mother’s, wife’s or husband’s foundation, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
B. YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I release the fire of YAH upon every foundational, ancestral and family altar where the umbilical cords, hairs, body parts and/or garments of myself and my family members have been kept for evil purposes, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
2. 1 SAMUEL 28:13 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name and blood of YAHUSHA to bind and paralyze evil and demonic spirits that dwell on the earth and that are assigned to hinder me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
3. EPHESIANS 6:12 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name and blood of YAHUSHA to destroy and nullify demonic or satanic agreements between rulers of darkness in high places and occult or demonic forces of the earth fashioned against me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
4. REVELATION 17:1 – YAH my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name and blood of YAHUSHA to destroy and nullify evil agreements between marine spirits and demonic forces of the earth, fashioned against me and my family members, in in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
5. EXODUS 20:4 – YAH my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name of YAHUSHA to command the RUACH HA'QODESH fire to consume altars of the earth where graven images are being used to project negative energy or aura against me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
6. EZEKIEL 21:21 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, any strongman or woman that will ever raise altars at the junctions, roundabouts or crossroads to use divination, enchantment or invocation in order to release arrows of affliction, sickness, accident or death against me and my family members, will forever fail, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
7. EXODUS 20:24 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic, occult or satanic altars of the earth that will ever harbor the names, pictures, body parts, garments, etc., of myself and my family members as a point of contact to fight or afflict us, will receive the fire of God, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
8. EXODUS 20:25 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, my Rock of Ages, I use the blood of YAHUSHA to cancel and nullify the effects of any altar of stone energized with satanic oil or blood, being used to fight me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
9. ISAIAH 40:22 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name of YAHUSHA to command the Angels of YAH to destroy satanic or demonic circles of altars of the earth, where the names of myself and my family members are being mentioned for shame, evil, stagnancy or limitation, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
10. MATTHEW 16:18 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic or satanic gates of the earth erected to hinder me and my family members have been destroyed by the Angels of YAH, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
11. HOSEA 13:14 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that altars of the earth in any graveyard, being used to project evil outcomes against me and my family members, have been destroyed by the Angels of YAH in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
12. NUMBERS 23:1 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I command the Angels of YAH to destroy altars of the earth where blood sacrifices of four-legged animals, marine creatures, fowls of the air, creeping things, animals that live on trees and human-beings are being used against me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
13. JEREMIAH 22:29 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that anyone who will ever use the earth as an instrument to curse me and my family members will never succeed, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
14. 1 CHRONICLES 21:29 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that any satanic or demonic altars of the earth that will ever be erected against me and my family members, will forever fail, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
15. ISAIAH 56:9 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that satanic or demonic altars that will ever be erected in any evil forest in order to destroy Yah’s purpose for me and my family members’ lives, will forever be consumed by RUACH HA'QODESH fire, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
16. EZEKIEL 6:13 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that any satanic, demonic or evil altar that will ever be erected upon any hill or hills, meant to hinder me and my family members, will fail forever, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
17. EZEKIEL 8:16 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic or satanic temples of the earth that will ever be used to fight the well-being of myself and my family members will forever be consumed by the RUACH HA'QODESH fire, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
18. 2 KINGS 17:11 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic or satanic altars of incense meant to hinder my destiny and that of my family members shall fail forever, and I command the east wind to carry the evil incense back to its senders, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
19. MATTHEW 10:36 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic or satanic altars of darkness, erected by household enemies against me and my family members, will forever fail, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
20. ISAIAH 54:15 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that whenever evil men or women gather against me and my family members, in their covens or upon their evil altars, the Angels of YAH will forever scatter them, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
21. REVELATION 16:7 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the name and blood of YAHUSHA to silence any voice or voices from evil altars that will ever cry or speak against me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
22. PSALM 121:6-7 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic or satanic altars in the body of the heavenly (the sun, moon and stars) will never be used to fight me and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
23. ACTS 17:17 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that satanic, demonic or occult altars erected in a marketplace against me and my family members will forever fail, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
b. YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that satanic, demonic or occult altars that will ever harbor the names, body parts, items of clothing or personal effects of myself and my family members will be consumed by RUACH HA'QODESH fire, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
24. JEREMIAH 33:25 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that the ordinances of the heaven, earth and water realms that control altars will never hinder the well- being of myself and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
25. EZEKIEL 35:6 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I use the blood of YAHUSHA to cancel and nullify any demonic, satanic or occult blood crying against the well-being of myself and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
26. EXODUS 34:13 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I command the RUACH HA'QODESH Fire to destroy any demonic, satanic or occult altar of darkness fashioned against the blessing of myself and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
27. NUMBERS 23:1 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I command the Angels of YAH to overthrow and destroy demonic, satanic or occultist altars of seven that have been erected against the blessing of myself and my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
28. 2 KINGS 21:5 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that demonic, satanic or evil altars erected to the host of heaven, meant to hinder the well-being of myself and my family members, are destroyed by the Angels of YAH, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
29. 2 CHRONICLES 23:17 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I decree and declare that any demonic, satanic or evil priests that will ever be hired to curse me and my family members before their altars, will never succeed, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
30. 1 KINGS 13:2 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I will forever bless your name because voices in demonic or satanic altars of darkness will never understand my future or destiny, or those of my family members, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
31. HEBREWS 7:26-27 – YAH, my Redeemer and Saviour, I will forever bless your name because YAHUSHA is the High Priest of myself and my family members, and the death, burial and resurrection of YAHUSHA as a powerful demonstration will forever speak in our favor regarding his sacrifice for the saving of my soul, in the name of YAHUSHA. Verily.
Reference: Ndekwu, Uzor. Overthrowing Evil Altars (p. 123-134). Kindle Edition