Structuralism was promoted by Edward Titchener.
Edward B. Titchener. (21 C.E., December 15). Wikimedia Commons.
According to the Structuralism and the Quest for Lost Reality article pg. 1, since the fall of logical empiricism, the structuralist approach to the philosophy of science has been the dominant approach within the discipline (Vos, 2022). For structuralists, the goal was to understand the structure of the mind via introspection. The school was called “Structuralism” because Titchener’s focus was to describe a mental experience or the structure of the mind. The goals of psychology were the determination of what, how, and why of mental life. The what was learned through the process of introspection, the how answered the question of how the elements combined, and the why involved the neurological correlates of mental events.
He wanted sensations, NOT perceptions
If the name of the object was in the report instead of the elemental aspects of the stimulus, the subject committed a stimulus error. Structuralism’s sterile search for the elements of the mind was opposed. In the end, people started to question the introspection reason as a trusting research method, there was a study regarding human behavior, a lack of interest, and the development of behaviorism came on the scene. With those conclusions, structuralism eventually declined. I meditate on positive words in the bible.
When my family and I go to sleep, we go to sleep to biblical words with a background of beautiful melodies. The structure of my mind when stress comes is to find peace. My foundation of reality is based on what is the positive outcome from the negative one. I believe that if the mind is structured to focus on positive growth, the negative growth will decrease in every situation.
Functionalism was promoted by William James.
William James. (24 C.E.,December 17). Wikipedia.
Functionalism is a desired practical science promoted by William James. Since 1896, functionalism began influencing the history of psychology. Evolutionary theory combined with the school of functionalism. The focus was not on the mind’s content but on understanding the function of the mind in helping the organism adapt to the environment.
The Knowledge-first functionalism article pg. 10 states that generating knowledge is a function of our cognitive process (Simion, 2019).James had a neurophysiological explanation of habit formation. He believed that habits or instincts are formed as an activity is repeated. Behaviors, thoughts, or beliefs must be judged by their consequences. He incorporated evolutionary theory, stressed what is useful, expanded research techniques, studied all aspects of human existence, and trained many psychologists who made contributions themselves.
If it works for the individual, then it is appropriate.
Truth MUST be judged by its effectiveness in the situation
What works is true for those circumstances. Stream of consciousness is personal to the individual, continuous, always changing, selective, and functional. Pragmatism, the cornerstone of functionalism, is the belief that if an idea works, it’s valid. Furthermore, radical empiricism is the belief that all consistently reported human experiences are worthy of study. James was one of the first to examine self-esteem. The self is a knower in the awareness of one’s empirical self. Three components of the empirical self are the material self, social self, and spiritual self. The body, family, and all things owned represent the material self, being self-known by others demonstrates our social self and the spiritual self in the subjective reality of the state of consciousness.
Functionalists applied findings to the improvement of human conditions. It was urged to include animals, children, and psychopathology using any helpful methods. There was concern for the” why” of mental processes led directly to an interest in motivation. They also accepted both the mental process of the ideographic (understanding of specific cases and unique individuals), and nomothetic (the search for general laws).
Habits are not only taught physically but also mentally
My habit of smoking seemed like it was ordained. The first time that smoked a cigarette, I already knew how to inhale one. I had watched my mother and father smoke since my birth. I was only 13 when I tried my first cigarette, but I had an unconscious habit of watching my parents smoke, so it seemed natural. Later in life, I started back smoking at around 21. I worked with twins, and they gave me a cigarette every day. Eventually, I started asking them for one. Although I quit after two years, smoking was a bad habit that I thought I would never have. According to pragmatism, quitting cold turkey worked for me, so it must be valid.
Henley, T. (2023). Hergenhahn's An Introduction to the History of Psychology (9th ed.). Cengage Limited. 222
Simion, M. (2019, October). Knowledge‐first functionalism.
Vos, B. (2022). Structuralism and the Quest for Lost Reality ers=FT%3AY%2CRV%3AY&q=Structuralism